Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Fwd: HEartS Summit 2024: The Future of Creative Health & The Creative Workforce

Dear All,


We are pleased to share that registration is now open for HEartS Summit 2024: The Future of Creative Health and The Creative Workforce, an exciting event taking place at the Royal College of Music across two days on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th September 2024. Further details are provided below, along with information on how to register for a place. 


Background and Development

Funded by a £1 million grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the HEartS (Health, Economic, and Social impact of the ARTs) project explored the impact of the arts and culture on health and wellbeing from individual, social, and economic perspectives. Building on this work, HEartS Professional tracked the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on professionals in the arts and culture sectors, providing knowledge and policy recommendations at a critical time for the workforce. Together, the research from these projects has the potential to shape the future of creative health. 


HEartS Summit Event

The aim of this event is to create a lasting legacy for this research, providing a space for all stakeholders to engage creatively and collaboratively on pathways to policy implementation and cultural change across the sector. Organisations and public interest groups previously engaged with the project as part of the policy consultation phase will participate in roundtable discussions, enabling a comprehensive and inclusive approach to shaping the future of creative health.


Registration and Attendance

This event is open to professionals working across the sector, including artists, performers, educators, researchers, healthcare providers, policymakers, and anyone passionate about the intersection of arts and health and professional practice. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the field, your unique perspective is valuable in shaping our collective future. You can learn more and register for your FREE place here: HEartS Summit Event Page.


We very much hope that you will be able to join us and look forward to seeing you in September! 


Best wishes, 



Michael Durrant

HEartS Project Coordinator

The CPS is a partnership of 

Royal College of Music | Imperial College London 
