Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fwd: [DMRN-LIST] Industry-funded PhD position in AI and Music at the Centre for Digital Music of Queen Mary University of London


(apologies for cross-posting)


We have one industry-funded PhD position to join my lab (link in signature) in the Centre for Digital Music at QMUL and the UKRI CDT in AI and Music in September 2024

The topic is Smart EQ: Personalizing Audio with Context-aware AI using Listener Preferences and Psychological Factors and is part of a collaboration with Dr György Fazekas and Yamaha.


More information on the topic and how to apply is available here.


Application deadline: 26th August 2024


Best wishes




Communication Acoustics Lab 

Centre for Digital Music
Queen Mary University of London


We are always hearing, but are we listening? — Joel Chadabe