Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Fwd: Monday 28/3 4pm - music-data seminar

(with apologies if you already received the message). 
The next virtual seminar of the 'Datasounds, datasets and datasense: Unboxing the hidden layers between musical data, knowledge and creativity' research network will take place virtually next Monday, 4pm UK time. Our guest speaker - Blair Kaneshiro - comes from Stanford, California: 
"The Music Engagement Research Initiative is an interdisciplinary research group at CCRMA, Stanford University. Through various approaches including EEG studies, mixed-methods user research, accessibility research, and analysis of industrial data, we seek to increase our understanding of how and why humans engage with music. I will speak about our group's research and teaching efforts around data publication and re-use. Over recent years, we have come to treat data not only as a by-product of music science research, but also as intentional scientific contributions that can be used by others. I will discuss how such efforts by the scientific community can not only support reproducible research, but also facilitate new discoveries through improved access across research fields."

Contact me (o.ben-tal@kingston.ac.uk) if you with to join the seminar.