Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Fwd: 'Borderlands: Classical Music and Society' symposium

The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) will host its next symposium on 21 and 22 April 2022. The symposium titled 'Borderlands: Classical Music and Society' seeks to critically examine the area of interaction between classical music and society, exploring initiatives that seek to blur the traditional borders of classical music practice, while also discussing how such borders are still rigorously policed in certain circumstances.

Borderlands: Classical Music and Society
Dates: 21-22 April 2022
Online Symposium
For the full program and registration, please visit www.mcicm.nl

We would very much appreciate it if you would share this information in your network. If you have any questions, please contact mcicm-fasos@maastrichtuniversity.nl.