Friday, October 15, 2021

Special Issue: Music in the lives of young children published in ECDC Inbox

We are very pleased to announce the publication of the special issue "Music in the lives of young children" in Early Child Development and Care. There is a growing body of literature pointing to the significance of engaging with music, and to its potential for bringing about positive change in areas such as cognitive development, academic performance, educational motivation and learning, socio-emotional development and behaviour, and mental health – across the life course from infants through to seniors. The special issue 'Music In The Lives Of Young Children' targets music and its significance in young children's lives with a focus on music education and the musical experience of pre-school children. The special issue is comprised of 11 articles that have been written by 32 authors (several teams of co-authors) from 10 countries (Canada, Germany, India, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America). These research studies were carried out in nine countries (Australia, Canada, Germany, India, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America).


The special issue may be accessed here:  Early Child Development and Care: Vol 191, No 12 (


With kind regards,


Warren Brodsky & Ioulia Papageorgi (co-editors)