Thursday, October 28, 2021

Fwd: Ongoing thoughts while reading and listening to music: Participants needed

We're inviting you to participate in a novel online study aiming to
compare mental experiences between reading and listening to music. The
study is very easy and fun, and involves attending to two different
tasks: reading a short article (~2 min) and listening to a piece of
music (~6 min) of a genre of your personal choice. After each task,
you will be asked to answer some questions related to the thoughts you
experienced. The study takes max 20 min, is completely anonymous, and
will give you the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win an Amazon
voucher of 20£.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Here is the link to the study:

All best wishes,
Liila Taruffi


Dr. Liila Taruffi
Lecturer in Music Psychology
Department of Music
Durham University