12th International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics Celebrating 40 years of scientific advances in Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics 02-04th December 2020 - a major online event in Voice Sciences |
Dear colleagues,
ICVPB 2020, the 12th Edition of the International Conference on Voice Physiology and Biomechanics, will take place from Wednesday 2nd of December to Friday 4th of December 2020 as an online event.
Altogether we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of scientific advances in Vocal Fold Physiology and Biomechanics.
The detailed scientific program can be found on the conference website : https://icvpb2020.sciencesconf.org/program
Five keynote lectures are programmed : Pr. Ingo Titze, Pr. Brad Story, Pr. Sten Ternström, Pr. Caroline Boudoux and Pr. Jan Svec. See https://icvpb2020.sciencesconf.org/page/keynote for more detail.
Six main sessions and a large poster session are proposed, covering all areas of voice sciences.
You are invited to register to participate in this major event on voice sciences : https://icvpb2020.insight-outside.fr
The registration fee is €100. All registered participant will have access to the live event (zoom meeting) and to the recordings of the sessions.
We look forward to seeing you online soon ! Please feel free to forward this email to those who might be interested.
Best regards,
Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni and Lucie Bailly
on behalf of ICVPB2020 Organizing Committee
-- ********************************************************** Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni, Ph.D. CNRS Researcher Director / Directrice de Recherche CNRS http://www.gipsa-lab.inpg.fr/~nathalie.henrich/ GIPSA-lab Domaine universitaire de Grenoble 11 rue des Mathématiques BP 46 - 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères cedex FRANCE Tél. +33 (0)4 76 57 45 36 Fax. +33 (0)4 76 57 47 10 Courriel : Nathalie.Henrich AT gipsa-lab.fr **********************************************************