Psychological Science and Creativity A special issue call for papers Submission deadline: January 18, 2021 Translational Issues in Psychological Science welcomes manuscripts for consideration in a special issue titled "Psychological Science and Creativity". Creativity was once considered beyond the bounds of scientific inquiry. But recent years have seen considerable progress in scientific understanding of human creativity, due in part to increasing interest among psychologists and neuroscientists, as well as advances in the methodological tools used to study creativity in the lab. The goal of the special issue is to feature cutting-edge research that either considers translational implications of basic creativity science or directly examines translational applications of creativity research. For this special issue, the editors welcome both empirical and review papers that address the following topics: - studying creativity outside the lab (e.g., ecological momentary assessment)
- translational implications of creativity neuroscience
- teaching and measuring creativity in educational contexts
- studying creativity and innovation in industry and organizations
- ecological validity considerations of studying creativity in the lab
- and more!
Manuscripts submitted to Translational Issues in Psychological Science must be co-authored by at least one psychologist in training (graduate student, postdoctoral fellow), should be written concisely for a broad audience, and focus on the practical implications of the research presented in the manuscript. |