HearMus Seminar – February 20th 14:00-16:00 GMT (15:00-17:00 CET)
Making music more accessible for cochlear implant users
Professor Waldo Nogueira, Hannover Medical School, Germany
Music is vital in our lives, connecting people emotionally and culturally. However, cochlear implants, designed to restore speech, often fail to help users enjoy music. This presentation reports on outcomes of the Music4u project which aims to change this by developing technology to improve music perception for cochlear implant users. This involves creating new signal processing algorithms to enhance music enjoyment and personalizing it based on individual hearing performance and brain signals. The goal is to improve users' quality of life by making music more accessible.
1st Cadenza Machine Learning Challenge for Music and Hearing Loss: Listener Evaluation Data
Dr Scott Bannister, University of Leeds, UK
The Cadenza Project (https://cadenzachallenge.org/) aims to improve music listening experiences for people with a hearing loss, through machine learning challenges and perceptual studies. The 1st Cadenza Challenge (CAD1) tasked entrants with improving music audio quality for people with hearing loss, listening to music unaided and over headphones. Entrant systems were assessed via an objective metric, and subjectively evaluated by a Listener Panel of hearing aid users. This talk aims to summarise recent sensory evaluation work to understand attributes of music audio quality from the perspectives of hearing loss, and to present Listener Panel evaluation data for CAD1. Findings will be discussed in relation to music listening difficulties experienced through hearing loss, and next steps in the Cadenza Project will be outlined.
Alinka Greasley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: HearMus Seminar 5 (20.02.25)
Time: Feb 20, 2025 14:00-16:00 GMT (15:00-17:00 CET)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 870 9255 8319
HearMus Seminar 6 (March 25.03.25) 14:00-16:00 GMT (15:00-17:00 CET)
Dr Alan Sanderson, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK
Dr Chi Lo, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
The HearMus seminar series provides a monthly forum for the discussion of a broad array of topics around music and hearing health. The series aims to yield a state of the art of research on music perception and hearing impairment, hearing aids and music, and individual differences in music perception and production. Besides presentations from experts in academia and industry, the seminar series seeks to foster lively discussions and exchange of ideas, with the joint goal of sustaining and enhancing access to music for people with diverse hearing needs. You can access recordings of the previous seminars here: https://musicandhearingaids.org/hearmus-seminars/
Seminar leaders: Prof. Alinka Greasley, Prof. Kai Siedenburg
Prof. Alinka Greasley
Professor of Music Psychology
Director of Research and Innovation
School of Music | University of Leeds | Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Email: a.e.greasley@leeds.ac.uk | Phone: + 44 113 343 4560