Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fwd: One-year position for an undergraduate software engineer in the ECHOES project

Dear all,

I am sharing a research job opportunity for an Undergrad student here, in case you are interested. Work can be done remotely. Please feel free to distribute this information if you know about others that might be interested on applying.

Thank you! 
Kind regards,

Martha E. Thomae (PhD Music Technology, McGill University)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at NOVA University Lisbon


Call for the attribution of one (1) Research Initiation Scholarship (BII) within the scope of the Project Echoes from the Past: Unveiling a Lost Soundscape with Digital Analysis (ECHOES) (2022.01957.PTDC).

Duration of the fellowship: 12 months, starting on November 1, 2024. The Research Initiation Scholarship cannot be renewed.

Application Deadline: 13 Aug 2024 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)

Offer description: This studentship is for a software engineer undergraduate student (or equivalent degree). The project ECHOES requires technical assistance from an undergraduate software engineer to continue the implementation in JavaScript of an algorithm for automatic analysis and deploy the Graphical User Interface for automatic analysis. The undergrad student might also help with the implementation in Python of an algorithm to be used in one of the steps of optical music recognition (OMR).

Salary: The Studentship for scientific initiation corresponds to €601,12 monthly, according to the table of scholarships awarded directly by the FCT, I.P. in Portugal. ( Added to this amount is the voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first category, if the candidate so chooses, as well as a personal accident insurance.

Work can be done remotely.

Info at or email Elsa De Luca

Please feel free to forward this information to people you think will benefit. Thank you!

Elsa De Luca

CESEM - Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music
IN2PAST – Associate Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Heritage, Arts, Sustainability and Territory
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
NOVA University of Lisbon