Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Fwd: Qualitative Interviewing in Music Research: A Study Day (in-person and online)

Qualitative Interviewing in Music Research: An RMA Study Day

Date: Thu Jun 27 2024

Time: 10:15 AM - 17:50PM

Location: Royal College of Music & Online.

You are invited to attend the following study on Qualitative Interviewing in Music Research. This event will bring together doctoral students and early career researchers from a range of disciplines within music research (e.g. music psychology, ethnomusicology, performance) to share ideas about methods and challenges in qualitative interviewing, and to learn from each other through supportive discussion. Additionally, there will be keynote presentations from Dr Katherine Williams, Research Fellow in Popular Music Songwriting (University of Huddersfield) and Dr Carsten Wernicke (University of Koblenz/Leuphana University). Please see the link below for more information: