Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Fwd: CFP: Computer Creativity in music performance, improvisation, composition

Computer Creativity in
music performance, improvisation, composition
aesthetics, ethics, performance practice, musical creativity

May 26 – 29, 2022, Ascea, Italy

~ call for papers ~

Computer systems have been used in some capacity within most areas of the arts. In some cases the use of computer systems in music, as well as in visual arts, provoke claims of 'computer creativity' and/or 'computational creativity'. Are such claims justified? Is the judgement of 'creativity' in a computer system a binary question, or may there be gradations? And how can such judgements be supported – by evidence, or subjective experiential narrative, or in some other manner? What are the effects of such 'computer creativity' in music and/or in other art forms on aesthetics, ethics, performance practice, musical creativity and/or other related fields? How does the inclusion of a computer system change musical performance practice? Does the inclusion of computer systems change the aesthetic result in principle, or can the listener rely on musical experience as a phenomenon? Can a computer system take ethical responsibility for its musical or artistic output? In relation to music especially: are aesthetics computable? Are ethics computable?

The XIIth International Wassard Elea Symposium, held in Ascea, Southern Italy, invites musicologists, computer scientists, musicians, philosophers and other interested parties to submit papers on the topics of this year's theme. Sessions of 90 min. include speaker, commentator and open discussion (40/20/30). Participants whose papers are accepted are expected to also prepare a commentary on another presentation at the meeting. All suitable contributions are published in our journal, Wassard Elea Rivista.

Deadline for submissions: April 20, 2022.

There is no registration fee; participants will receive details about accommodation rates in due course.

Inquiries are very welcome. Full papers (attached in Word format) should be sent directly to the organizers:
Dr. René Mogensen, Birmingham City University, UK:, or
Prof. Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Italy:

Wassard Elea
Refugium for writers, artists, composers, and scholars in Southern Italy

NOTICE: At this time you are additionally invited to submit chapters, original work, to the forthcoming anthology: Improvisation and Creativity: Music, Arts, and Computers. Please send works, proposals, etc., to Dr. René Mogensen, The Royal Conservatoire, Birmingham City University, UK: