Monday, September 27, 2021

A Song for Afghanistan

Afghanistan has always been a place of rich and diverse cultural heritage, including musical practice. Since 2010, the Afghanistan National Institute of Music ( has worked tirelessly to rebuild and revitalise Afghanistan's cultural voice in the face of intense political upheaval, war, conflict and censorship. Through investing in young musicians and transcending cultural, ethnic, religious, and gendered boundaries, ANIM has honoured the musical heritage that is dear to the heart of every Afghan and contributes towards a just and civil society.  


Once again, musicians are facing silencing and oppression under Taliban rule, and SEMPRE stands in solidarity with all artists, educators, scholars, and cultural actors across Afghanistan.  


Supporting an international concert series, Love Songs for Afghanistan, initiated by the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University Australia (, SEMPRE ( joins the call for artistic freedom and peace, bringing together musicians from across national borders, cultural or linguistic backgrounds, and musical styles, to send to Afghanistan our messages of peace, compassion, courage, and above all else, love.   


To watch the first concert livestream (28 September, 19:00 Brisbane time):

To host a Love Songs event at your institution, email: alexis.kallio(a)