Monday, May 10, 2021

Research in Teacher Education (RiTE) 10th Anniversary Event

On 16 June from 5pm-7:30pm, the Research in Teacher Education (RiTE) 10th Anniversary event will be taking place. 

We invite you to join us in celebrating our 10th anniversary of UEL's journal,  Research in Teacher Education.

The event will feature many of the guest writers who have contributed to the journal, including Meg Maguire, Stephen Ball, Louise Archer, Graham Welch, Ian Menter, Pat Sikes, Kari Smith, Martin Fautley, Ann MacPhail and Jean Murray. On the night, we will launch a bumper edition of RiTE in which we include all 20 Guest Articles published over the last ten years with each author adding an updated 'post-script' critically reflecting on their original articles. Come join us on 16 June at 5.00pm and pose questions to some of the biggest national and international names in teacher education.  You can access the journal here. 

Registration Link: