Thursday, August 6, 2020

Fwd: Nearing Deadline: Early Child Development and Care


The journal Early Child Development and Care (Taylor & Francis) is happy to announce a "Call For Papers" to be included in a special issue titled: "Music In The Lives Of Young Children". The special issue will target music and its significance in young children's lives with a focus on music education and the musical experience of pre-school children. The Guest Co-Editors of this special issue are Professor Warren Brodsky, Director of the Music Science Lab in the Arts Department at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Beer-Sheva, Israel) and Professor Ioulia Papageorgi (Associate Professor and Associate Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nicosia, Cyprus).  Authors from all related fields such as Music Education, Musical Development, Music Psychology, Ethnomusicology, Anthropology and Sociology of Music, and Music Therapy, are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts describing empirical investigations for consideration.

Among topics describing music education and the musical experience of pre-school children are: music teaching and learning, classroom and studio pedagogy, formal and informal contexts, as well as private and group instruction. Among possible topics describing music experiences of pre-school children, are: psychological aspects of musical skill and development (related to listening, performing, memory, analysis), and the power of music to enhance general childhood development and care (related to cognitive development, social development,  motor development, emotional development, and health and well-being). Projects investigating parental music engagement, musical experiences in the home, the impact (benefits and costs) of media saturation, music devices, the use of mobile applications, and soundscape studies, are encouraged. Studies seeking to re-evaluate musical development stage theory (i.e., validate or refute accepted stages of normal musical development published prior to year 2000) are welcome. The journal is a multidisciplinary publication with a readership of psychologists, educators, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and social workers.

The Journal publishes papers in all aspects of early child development and care, including descriptive and evaluative articles, as well as experimental and observational studies. Papers which relate specifically to the construction, validation, or evaluation of psychometric devices, measuring instruments, and scales, are not normally published; exceptions may be made if such information is essential in the context of a  substantive research paper. All research articles in the journal undergo a rigorous peer review by at least two anonymous referees.

Submission information and Deadlines

Submission is via ScholarOne Manuscripts Central:

Read our Instructions for Authors for more details on formatting your paper.

Nearing Deadline: Submission: 1st September 2020

For further inquiries, contact Warren Brodsky: