Monday, December 9, 2019

Fwd: [DMRN-LIST] Full-time PhD studentships

The School of Computing and Communications at the Open University (UK) invites applications for  full-time PhD studentships starting in October 2020. Studentships are for three years full time study, and cover tuition fees and a stipend.

The following topics are suitable, but you are welcome to propose a project in any area of music computing.

Musical Contrast (and Similarity)
Music and Emotion
Music and Narrative
Computational Creativity
Computational Musicology
Deep Learning for Music
Musical Pattern Discovery
Statistical Music Generation
Music for Computer Games/Multimedia
Collaborative Music Environments
MIR in Creative Settings

If interested, please contact me (Dr Robin Laney: robin.laney @ for an informal discussion and advice on constructing a proposal early, as a polished proposal will be needed.

Applications from part-time candidates also welcome.

Closing date to be set, but expect mid february.

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).