(with apologies for cross-postings)
We're looking for participants for a 15-minute online study in which you are asked to rate the emotions conveyed by environmental sounds. There is a chance to win an Amazon gift card worth £25 GBP or $30 USD. In addition, the sound stimuli will be used in a future study in which they are matched in their emotional expression to musical stimuli, and I will share these final stimulus sets on my OSF page for other researchers to make use of.
The link to the survey is: https://durhammusic.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5AcbZAYjHHY6BEx
Thanks in advance for your time!
Kelly Jakubowski
Dr. Kelly JakubowskiAssistant Professor (Research)
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
Department of Music
Durham University