Friday, December 14, 2018

Fwd: Call for Papers: Special Issue on Music and Academic Internationalization

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Music and Academic Internationalization

Since the 1990's, with the process of globalization, international
issues have been gaining strength in higher education. The theme is
complex when associated with economic potential, the responsibility of
the State and the process of expansion of both research and teaching.
For this special issue, we would like to welcome papers that reflect
on international exchanges in the field of music, such as:
intercultural music, internationalized curricula, research on
theories, methodologies and practices conceived in other countries,
academic mobility, cultural and public educational policies for the
music area. To all interested in this subject, our invitation to
submit articles to the ORFEU Journal.

Deadline for submissions: March 25, 2019.

Papers should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words (excluding title,
abstract, keywords and references). Submissions can be in English,
Spanish or Portuguese, and should address at least one of the topics
listed above. Researchers should avoid referring to their own names
within the submitted papers. Acceptance of paper submissions will be
determined by anonymous peer review. Researchers should pay close
attention to proofreading and formatting in order to ensure that the
submitted paper is sufficiently well-presented for publishing in the
ORFEU Journal. Please also make sure that you address any comments
made by the peer reviewers in the review process.

*If you are not registered on the ORFEU Journal system, please
register yourself as an author before submitting your paper.

Link for registration on the ORFEU Journal system

Link for author guidelines:

Should you have questions about any of the above points, feel free to
write to

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Guilherme Sauerbronn de Barros

Prof. Dr. Teresa Mateiro
