Monday, November 26, 2018

Fwd: Developing Countries - Resources online --- IFORS

Dear Colleagues, 

The aim of the IFORS Developing Countries On-Line Resources page is to
offer the OR worker all publicly-available materials on the topic of OR
for Development. It also aims to provide a venue for people who are
working in the area to share their completed or in-process work, learn
from others, and stimulate comments and discussions on the
work.Regarding IFORS Developing Countries OR resources website, its
regular updates - and your possible submission of "free" (not copyright
protected) material, you might occasionally visit

"Operational Research" (OR) is the discipline of applying advanced
analytical methods to help make better decisions. By using techniques
such as problem structuring methods and mathematical modelling to
analyze complex situations, Operational Research gives executives the
power to make more effective decisions and build more productive systems.

The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS; is an almost 60-year old organization which is
currently composed of 51 national societies.Regional Groups of IFORS
are:ALIO (The Latin American Ibero Association on Operations Research),
APORS (The Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies),
EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies), NORAM
(The Association of North American Operations Research Societies).IFORS
conferences are taking place every three years; IFORS 2017 has been
successfully celebrated in Quebec City, Canada.

Thank you very much for your attention.

With kind regards,
best wishes,
Luciana Buriol, Sue Merchant, Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber

PS: Feedback is welcome via,,