Thursday, August 9, 2018

Fwd: Panel session - "The Role of Cognition in Creative Music Systems at CSMC2018"



Panel session - "The Role of Cognition in Creative Music Systems at CSMC2018"


Dear all,

We are looking for panelists to lead a discussion on "The Role of
Cognition in Creative Music Systems" at the 3rd Conference on Computer
Simulation of Musical Creativity at University College Dublin from
20th to 22nd August.

Various systems exist that can generate music, with varying degrees of
success, addressing a range of objectives. The evaluation of such
systems varies in approach and in degree of rigour. Furthermore, these
systems vary in the way they model music, and the degree to which that
modelling reflects human cognition.

The role of cognition is either absent or indirectly addressed in much
work. Its importance is addressed as a key theme in two articles.
Wiggins et al. (2010) argue that music cannot be considered at just
the surface level, as cognition involves extra information. Widmer
(2016) argues that in the field of Music Information Retrieval,
musical interaction with computers would be qualitatively improved if
computers had a deeper understanding of music than at present.

The panel session will discuss the following questions:

1. What are the features of music that make it meaningful to people?

2. To what extent do current creative music systems address these?

3. What needs to be addressed?


Widmer, G. (2016). Getting closer to the essence of music: the con
espressione manifesto. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and
Technology, Special Issue on Intelligent Music Systems and
Applications, 8(2), 13 pp.

Wiggins, G.A., Müllensiefen, D., Pearce, M.T. (2010). On the
non-existence of music: Why music theory is a figment of the
imagination. Musicae Scientiae vol. Discussion Volume 5, 231-255.

Interested participants should submit a brief description of the
participant's perspective on the topic (100 words max) to by Wednesday 15th August.

Best Wishes,
Robin Laney,
Open University