Proceedings Instructions All contributors are requested to submit an expanded abstract write-up (maximum 2-page) to contribute to the published ICVPB 2018 Proceedings. The template for the proceedings write-up is attached.
Please email your paper as a ".doc" or "docx" file to Name your document to follow the standard file name given ("[first author surname] ICVPB2018 Proceedings Template.docx"); an example if the first author surname was Smith and there were co-authors: "Smith et al ICVPB2018 Proceedings.docx". For logistical reasons, when you email your document please include the filename in the subject line of the email similar to Subject Line:
Smith et al ICVPB2018 Proceedings submission.
Presentation Instructions Podium Presenters are allotted 15 minutes. Speakers will be grouped into small sessions of 3-4 which will be followed by a 15 minutes of Q&A for the group of presenters.
Poster Presenters are requested to hang their poster as early as able once the conference begins, preferably on the morning of the 2
nd day (August 2
nd). Each poster is allotted up to 60" width, but with 52" preferable for comfort of other presenters. A size which would be optimal is 52 inches wide and 32 inches tall, though taller posters can be accommodated. The poster session will take place between 3:00-5:30PM on Thursday, 02 August. Posters in the program are numbered. Odd number poster authors are requested to be at their poster between 3:00-4:14pm; even numbered poster authors are encouraged to be at their poster between 4:15-5:30.
Agenda Snapshot The conference will be proceeded by a special topics symposium on 31 July.
- Tuesday 31 July:
- Wednesday 1 Aug: ICVPB 2018 Day 1,
- Morning: Keynote Speakers & Open Papers
- Afternoon: Keynote Speakers & Open Papers
- Thursday 2 Aug: ICVPB 2018 Day 2
- Morning: Keynote Speakers & Open Papers
- Afternoon: Open Papers &Poster Session
- Evening: ICVPB Dinner
- Friday 3 Aug: ICVPB 2018 Day 3
- Morning: Keynote Speakers & Open Papers
- Afternoon: Adjourn