The University of Huddersfield is happy to announce the first "Study Day on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity", which will be held at the University of Huddersfield, on Saturday 27 June 2015.
University of Huddersfield inspiring tomorrow's professionals.

Keynote Speaker: Eduardo Miranda
Study Day website:
The main goal of this one-day conference is to bring together scholars from different backgrounds, interested in virtual emulation of musical creativity, providing an interdisciplinary platform to promote, present and discuss their work.
Submissions can cover both theoretical and/or practical aspects of computer simulation of musical creativity. Interdisciplinary proposals at the intersection of music, computer science, psychology and philosophy are warmly invited. Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:
Computer simulation
- systems capable of creating musical pieces and sounds;
- systems capable of performing music;
- systems capable of online improvisation;
- simulation of music societies;
- robot-based systems;
- systems that enhance the creativity of human users;
- computational aesthetics, emotional response, novelty/originalty;
- surveys of the state-of-the-art techniques in the area;
- validation methodologies;
- philosophical foundations of music creative systems;
- evolutionary-based models for music creative systems;
- cognitive-based models for music creative systems;
- studies on applicability of techniques to other areas such as story generation and visual art generation;
- new models for improving music creative systems.
We accept proposals for papers, posters and workshops. Papers have a maximum duration of 20 minutes, with 10 minutes of Q&A. Posters should be used to present research projects in an initial phase. Workshops are 45 minutes long sessions, focused on practical demonstrations and tutorials of new systems and technologies related to musical creativity.
We welcome abstracts of no more than 300 words for papers and posters, and 500 words for workshops. Abstracts should include type of submission, AV requirements and any other special requests. The review process is managed through EasyChair. To submit an abstract, please go to the submission page ( and follow the instructions provided by EasyChair.
Submissions can cover both theoretical and/or practical aspects of computer simulation of musical creativity. Interdisciplinary proposals at the intersection of music, computer science, psychology and philosophy are warmly invited. Topics of interest may include, but are not limited to:
Computer simulation
- systems capable of creating musical pieces and sounds;
- systems capable of performing music;
- systems capable of online improvisation;
- simulation of music societies;
- robot-based systems;
- systems that enhance the creativity of human users;
- computational aesthetics, emotional response, novelty/originalty;
- surveys of the state-of-the-art techniques in the area;
- validation methodologies;
- philosophical foundations of music creative systems;
- evolutionary-based models for music creative systems;
- cognitive-based models for music creative systems;
- studies on applicability of techniques to other areas such as story generation and visual art generation;
- new models for improving music creative systems.
We accept proposals for papers, posters and workshops. Papers have a maximum duration of 20 minutes, with 10 minutes of Q&A. Posters should be used to present research projects in an initial phase. Workshops are 45 minutes long sessions, focused on practical demonstrations and tutorials of new systems and technologies related to musical creativity.
We welcome abstracts of no more than 300 words for papers and posters, and 500 words for workshops. Abstracts should include type of submission, AV requirements and any other special requests. The review process is managed through EasyChair. To submit an abstract, please go to the submission page ( and follow the instructions provided by EasyChair.
Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday 20 April 2015
Online Registration Closes: Saturday 14 June 2015
Conference Date: Saturday 27 June 2015
Presenters will be advised as to the outcome of their submission by May. For more details about the Study Day, please visit the conference website ( If you have any enquiries, contact Valerio Velardo (
Presenters will be advised as to the outcome of their submission by May. For more details about the Study Day, please visit the conference website ( If you have any enquiries, contact Valerio Velardo (