A seminar by Professor Kathryn Marsh
5pm – 6pm Wednesday 24 February 2010, WLE Centre, Level 4, IoE
This session focuses on conveying children's perspectives and the importance of understanding what it is that children do with, and like about, music within a global environment that has increasingly enabled the proliferation of music from widely divergent cultural contexts. It will exemplify ways in which children receive, respond to, manage, appropriate, manipulate and generate a plethora of musical stimuli that permeate their world in the way that they (not adults) "like it". In doing so, they make aesthetic choices that demonstrate the cultural complexity of their musical world, drawing on the cultural, ethnic, religious and national contexts in which they live, and utilising various forms of technological media. Particular reference will be made to children's musical play in multi-ethnic settings, drawing on fieldwork from earlier studies, including those conducted in the UK, and on a current study of refugee and newly arrived migrant children in Australia.