11th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition
Seattle, WA, August 23-27, 2010
University of Washington School of Music
The International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition is an
interdisciplinary conference devoted to the dissemination of new,
unpublished research relating to the field of music perception and
cognition. The conference is relevant for university and industry
researchers and graduate students working in psychology, cognitive
neuroscience, music theory and composition, psychophysics, music
performance, music education, music therapy and music medicine,
neurophysiology, ethnomusicology, developmental psychology, linguistics,
artificial intelligence, computer technology, and other related fields of
inquiry. The 11th biennial meeting of the conference will be held in
Seattle, Washington on the campus of the University of Washington.
Submissions are invited for:
* spoken papers
* poster presentations
* symposia and
* workshops
All submissions should relate to the cognitive sciences of music. Authors
are kindly requested to submit their abstract by filling in the appropriate
online form available at: http://depts.washington.edu/icmpc11/index.html.
The maximum abstract length is 400 words. The submission deadline is
December 15, 2009. The conference language is English and spoken papers,
posters, conference proceedings, and publications will all be in English.
All paper submissions will be considered for both spoken paper and poster
presentation unless the author specifically requests that the submission
only be considered for one or the other. Information about paper
presentations, poster dimensions, deadlines for the proceedings document and
other requirements will be communicated to authors following acceptance.
IMPORTANT: The organizers would like to provide equal opportunities to each
of the conference applicants. If you wish to present multiple papers as the
first author, please consider submitting your proposals under different
formats (i.e., symposium, spoken presentation, poster presentation,
workshop). We believe that the format by itself does not represent the
quality of contribution. However, exceptions may be allowed when the
organizers acknowledge the value of multiple contributions.
Submission guidelines
1) Spoken papers and Poster presentations Spoken Papers will be allocated 30
min, including 20 min for the presentation, 5 min for questions and answers
and 5 min for the preparation for the next presentation. Research Posters
will have designated time slots and presentation space assigned in the
conference schedule. There will be dedicated sessions for poster
presentations at the conference that do not conflict with any other
activity. Poster presenters may display their work starting in the morning
of the assigned day and then be present with their poster during the
assigned time. Poster sessions provide an excellent opportunity for
conversation and socializing. NOTE: All submissions will be considered for
both a spoken paper or a poster unless the author(s) specifically request on
the submission form that they only be considered for one of the two.
2) Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a
theme. The total time allocated for a symposium will be 90-120 minutes,
typically consisting of three to four papers and a discussion. Symposium
conveners are asked to coordinate the submission of papers under one
heading. A discussant should also be provided. Thus, the Symposium
organizers should provide the following information: a) a 350-word general
description of the organized session with its significance for the
conference audience; b) authors and title and abstract of each contribution;
c) name of discussant. It is not mandatory but preferable that the symposium
consists of speakers (including a discussant) from at least two different
countries to promote international viewpoints and discussions.
3) Workshops will provide an opportunity to demonstrate various practical
aspects related to educational and therapeutic methods and settings. The
time allotted for workshop sessions is 60 min/session.
Suggested topic areas include:
* Acoustics and psychoacoustics Music and meaning
* Aesthetic perception and response Music and movement
* Cognitive modeling of music Music and neuroscience
* Cognitive musicology Music and personality
* Composition and improvisation Music and well-being
* Cross-cultural studies of music Music education
* Memory and music Music performance
* Musical development Music therapy
* Musical timbre Pitch and tonal perception
* Music and emotions Rhythm, meter, and timing
* Music and evolution Social psychology of music
* Music and language
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by members of the ICMPC11
Scientific Advisory Board. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the
corresponding author by March 1,
Important Dates
December 15, 2009 - Abstract submission due
March 1, 2010 - Notification of acceptance
April 30, 2010 - Early registration ends
ICMPC 11 Organizing Committee
Steven M. Demorest, Chair
Steven J. Morrison
Patricia Shehan Campbell
ICMPC 11 Conference Advisory Board
Mayumi Adachi
Anna Rita Addessi
Eugenia Costa Giomi
Roger Kendall
Scott Lipscomb
Jukka Louhivuori
Aniruddh D. Patel
Kate Stevens
William Thompson