Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mapping of the Landscape of Piano Teaching and Learning

Dr. Cynthia Benson, Bowling Green State University USA / Institute of Education

Date: Tuesday 20th January
Time: 12.00
Room: 936
Further details from Lucy Green, l.green@ioe.ac.uk

All are welcome


As multicultural music education encourages a broad perspective of musical understanding, the study and understanding of music instruction of different cultures, contexts, and places may provide insights to the nature of instruction while contributing to an understanding of diverse pedagogical styles. This could provide music teachers with a potential to expand repertoire of pedagogical techniques, gain understanding of own teaching practices, and broaden perspectives with knowledge in alternative practices. The purpose of my research project is to investigate piano teaching and learning in the UK. I will present an initial exploration of the range of teaching, research and performing activities, and non-teaching or performing responsibilities of piano teachers and the background, university experience, and future career aspirations of students in higher education in the UK

Biography of presenter

Dr. Cynthia Stephens Benson is Associate Professor and coordinator of group piano and piano pedagogy at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA. She is a chair of the Research Committee of the National Conference on Keyboard Pedagogy and has presented research at international, national and state conferences. Her articles have appeared in International Journal of Music Education, Bulletin for the Council of Research in Music Education, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. Journal of Technology in Music Learning, American Music Teacher, Keyboard Companion, and Piano Pedagogy Forum. Her research interests include technology, studio and group piano instruction and teacher training, and cross-cultural comparison of styles and practices of piano instruction. Cynthia served as a foreign expert at Jimei University in Xiamen, Peoples Republic of China teaching group and studio piano. During her sabbatical this year, she is a Visiting Research Associate at the Institute of Education continuing an investigation of piano teaching and learning in different cultures and contexts