Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Fwd: HearMus Seminar 4

The next seminar in the new HearMus series is taking place next Wednesday 22nd January 2pm GMT (3pm CET) with Johanna Boyer (MED-EL) and Bastien Sannac Cunningham (Meludia).



HearMus Seminar 4

Time: Jan 22 2025 14:00-16:00 GMT (15:00-17:00 CET)


Benefits of Online Music Training for Cochlear Implant Recipients

Johanna Boyer, MED-EL


Music enjoyment is of importance for many cochlear implant users and the interest in music training is high, but many cochlear implant users report that it is a challenge to find suitable training resources and stall because they don't know how to practice. Meludia is an online music training program that provides structured and guided music training for musically experienced and inexperienced children and adults, which is designed to enable them to be successful. The program has great potential because it is offered in 23 different languages and therefore can be used globally; it is easily accessible and convenient to use because it allows for an individual schedule; and because it is such a comprehensive music training tool, it gives users the chance to work on individual goals regardless of their present abilities. In this presentation I will share recent research findings demonstrating benefits for music, speech and quality of life.


New generations of auditory training & testing for hearing impaired users

Bastien Sannac Cunningham, Meludia


This talk will explore novel methods of auditory training and assessment for hearing impaired listeners.



Alinka Greasley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: HearMus Seminar 4 (22.01.25)

Time: Jan 22, 2025 14:00-16:00 GMT (15:00-17:00 CET)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 8298 5384


We look forward to seeing some of you there! Please pass on to anyone you feel would be interested.


The HearMus seminar series provides a monthly forum for the discussion of a broad array of topics around music and hearing health. The series aims to yield a state of the art of research on music perception and hearing impairment, hearing aids and music, and individual differences in music perception and production. Besides presentations from experts in academia and industry, the seminar series seeks to foster lively discussions and exchange of ideas, with the joint goal of sustaining and enhancing access to music for people with diverse hearing needs.


You can find out more details and watch previous seminars here:



Prof. Alinka Greasley

Professor of Music Psychology

Director of Research and Innovation

School of Music | University of Leeds | Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK

Email: | Phone: + 44 113 343 4560

Fwd: Centre for Performance Science: New Podcast Launch

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to share that Performance Science, the new Centre for Performance Science podcast, launches today! See below for further details and information on how you can listen.


Centre for Performance Science: New Podcast Launch

Hosted by Professor Aaron Williamon, Head of the Centre for Performance Science, Performance Science is a podcast exploring the science of performing and the role of performance in society. It encourages us to think differently about the ways in which performing is part of our lives. 


Bringing together expert guests from across the creative industries, this first four-part series focuses on the health and wellbeing of the creative workforce, including conversations with guests from Equity, the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine, the Royal Society of Musicians, the Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre, and Centre for Performance Science researchers. Throughout this series we examine a range of crucial topics, including performer resilience, financial autonomy for freelance creatives, empowering professional artistic communities, and improving wellbeing support systems. 


How to Listen to Performance Science

New episodes will be released on Wednesday over the coming weeks. You can use the links below to listen directly through our website or via your preferred podcast platform:









We very much hope that you will enjoy listening to the first season of Performance Science! Please subscribe, rate, and share with your networks – we would love to see these important conversations reach as wide an audience as possible.


Best wishes,



Michael Durrant

HEartS Project Coordinator

The CPS is a partnership of 

Royal College of Music | Imperial College London  


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Fwd: [DMRN-LIST] PhD studentship in 'deep learning for audio-visual scene analysis' at University of Surrey, UK (application deadline: 1st December 2024)

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship in the area of deep learning for audio-visual scene analysis (application deadline: 1st December 2024).
Both UK and international students are eligible. Please feel free to share the advert to those who might be interested.

The PhD applicant can start either in January 2025:
or April 2025:

Apology for cross-posting. 

Best wishes,
Wenwu Wang
Professor of Signal Processing and Machine Learning

Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP)
& Surrey Institute for People Centred AI

University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 7XH
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1483 686039
Fax: +44 (0) 1483 686031

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Fwd: Call for Papers (deadline 31 Jan 2025): SEMPRE conference at Royal Northern College of Music, 9-10 April 2025

Call for Papers: SEMPRE conference at Royal Northern College of Music, 9-10 April 2025 

The next SEMPRE spring conference will be held at the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) in Manchester, UK, on 9 and 10 April 2025. 

The theme of the conference is Intersections between music psychology and education. The keynote speakers will be Professor Karen Burland and Professor Daniel Müllensiefen.

Abstracts are invited for individual oral presentations (papers), posters and symposia. Only one first-authored submission should be made in each category.

Individual papers will be 15 minutes long. They can be given in person or remotely via video conference. Posters can only be given in person. Abstracts for papers and posters should be no more than 200 words and structured, setting out the context, aims, methods, results / findings and implications of the research (citations and references should not be included).

Symposia should consist of 3 to 5 linked papers, an introduction and a concluding panel discussion, with a time limit for the whole symposium of 1 hour 40 minutes. The majority of papers within a symposium should be given in person.
Abstracts for symposia should include a rationale for the symposium (no more than 200 words) followed by an abstract for each of the papers included in the symposium.
Abstracts must be submitted via

·         Abstract submission: 31 January 2025
·         Acceptances to authors: 11 February 2025
·         Applications for conference awards to SEMPRE: 14 February 2025
·         Registration: 28 February 2025
·         Submission of video presentations: 14 March 2025.

The Aubrey Hickman Award is offered biennially to a postgraduate researcher or early career researcher (see for more information). Abstracts for this award (2000-3000 words) must be submitted to by 17 January 2025.

Please send any queries to

All the best,
Jane Ginsborg, Alex Lamont and Michelle Phillips

Monday, November 18, 2024

Fwd: [DMRN-LIST] PhD Studentships at the Centre for Digital Music - Autumn 2025 start

The Centre for Digital Music of Queen Mary University of London welcomes PhD applications for 2025. Candidates are invited to contact the relevant academic by email to elaborate on what the research will entail. In several cases, there is a significant opportunity to jointly shape the direction of research.

Suggested PhD topics and application guidelines can be found at:

Opportunities include internally and externally funded positions for PhD projects to start in Autumn 2025. It is also possible to apply as a self-funded student or with funding from another source. Studentship opportunities include:

* S&E Doctoral Research Studentships for Underrepresented Groups (UK home applicants, Autumn 2025 start, 6 positions funded across the Faculty of Science & Engineering)

* CSC PhD Studentships in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (Autumn 2025 start, Chinese applicants, up to 8 nominations allocated for the Centre for Digital Music)

* International PhD Funding Schemes (Autumn 2025 start, numerous international funding agencies)

professor mark sandler, FREng, CEng, FIEEE, FAES, FIET
Turing Fellow
director of the centre for digital music (c4dm)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Fwd: Ninth International Symposium "Music Pedagogy in the Context of Present and Future Changes"

Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure to invite you and your associates to the Ninth International Symposium "Music Pedagogy in the Context of Present and Future Changes," which will take place from May 22 to 24, 2025, at the University of Slavonski Brod, Croatia.

Registrations are still open!

Call for Symposium:

Registration Form:

I would be grateful if you could share this invitation with your colleagues.

With best wishes,

Vesna Svalina

Poštovane kolegice, poštovani kolege,

zadovoljstvo mi je pozvati Vas i Vaše suradnike na Deveti međunarodni simpozij "Glazbena pedagogija u svjetlu sadašnjih i budućih promjena," koji će se održati od 22. do 24. svibnja 2025. godine na Sveučilištu u Slavonskom Brodu, Hrvatska.

Prijave su i dalje otvorene!

Poziv na simpozij:

Obrazac za prijavu:

Bila bih Vam zahvalna ako biste ovaj poziv proslijedili i svojim kolegicama i kolegama.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Vesna Svalina

Dr. sc. Vesna Svalina, izv. prof.
Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti 
Ulica cara Hadrijana 10, HR-31000 Osijek
Ured br. 52 - tel. 031 321 737
Osobna web stranica: 

Vesna Svalina, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Faculty of Education
Ulica cara Hadrijana 10, HR-31000 Osijek
Office: 52 - telephone nr. +385 31 321 737
Personal website:  

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Fwd: PhD Scholarships at the University of Leeds

Dear all,


The School of Music in the University of Leeds invites applications for two PhD scholarships from prospective postgraduate researchers who wish to commence study for a PhD in the academic year 2025/26.  


School of Music Opportunity Research Scholarship

This scholarship is open to prospective postgraduate researchers from Black, Asian and other minoritised ethnic groups who are eligible for the Home/UK rate of tuition fees.

Further information can be found here:


Stanley Burton Research Scholarship

This scholarship is open to prospective postgraduate researchers who are eligible for the Home/UK rate of tuition fees.

Further information can be found here:


The awards provide full academic fees and a maintenance grant (£19,237 in Session 2024/25) for full-time study (with pro-rata awards available for part-time study).


The School of Music at the University of Leeds has an international reputation for research, and we bring together a community of scholars, composers and performers. We particularly welcome applications that connect to the School of Music's core research areas:

- Music as Culture (musicology exploring the role of music within historical, theoretical, literary, aesthetic, technological, popular, and interdisciplinary contexts)


- Music, Science and Technology (including music psychology, music and wellbeing, music technology, musical instrument studies, sound studies, and scientific perspectives on music)


- Making Music (composition, performance, and practice-based research methodologies)


- Pedagogic Research in Music (research regarding teaching and learning processes, experiences, and contexts in music)

How to apply

Full information, including details of the application process can be found through the links above. Applicants must submit both PhD study and scholarship applications no later than 5pm (UK time) Monday 2 June 2025.


All best,


Emily Payne


Dr Emily Payne (she/her) (hear my name)

Associate Professor of Music

Director of Postgraduate Research Studies, School of Music


School of Music, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK


Payne, E. (2022). Instrumental Interaction and Subversion in John Cage's Concert for Piano and Orchestra. Contemporary Music Review.

Schuiling, F. & Payne, E. (Eds.) (2022). Material Cultures of Music Notation: New Perspectives on Musical Inscription (Routledge).

Doffman, M., Payne, E., & Young, T. (Eds.) (2021). The Oxford Handbook of Time in Music (OUP).

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Journal of Popular Music Education CALL FOR PAPERS – EXTENDED DEADLINE Special Issue: ‘Popular Music Education in Europe’ (to be published summer 2025)

Journal of Popular Music Education
Special Issue: 'Popular Music Education in Europe' (to be published summer 2025)
Guest Editors
Lucy Green (Emerita Professor of Music Education, UCL, UK)
Avra Pieridou Skoutella (CCRSM Cyprus Centre for the Research and Study
of Music)
Europe is comprised of over 50 sovereign states and dependent territories which,
within and between themselves, have multifarious cultures, sub-cultures, ethnic and
religious groups, along with rich and diverse cultural heritage, values and customs,
turbulent histories, and struggles of nationalist movements. Some of its contemporary
states and people have been trying for decades to unite the European people under
the European Union's umbrella against the continuous influences of fragmentation,
economic interests, histories, nationalism, and ideological and political dilemmas.
The current times pose challenges, with wars, financial crises and intense immigrant
phenomena. On the one hand, such circumstances largely leave European people
limited or blocked by various forms of disadvantage from which they must constantly
strive to liberate themselves. On the other hand, they empower people's motivation
for connection and connectivity, for expression and resistance, for empathy and
solidarity, for surviving and thriving. In developing this Call for Papers, we are already
faced with critical questions that we hope will be explored in the ensuing issue. What
is popular music in contemporary Europe? Where did it come from? Who is Europe
today, musically? How do the different musical ecosystems of European countries,
cultures and sub-cultures influence and/or reflect popular music education? To what
extent does music education in Europe acknowledge such influences? What is the
relationship between music education and popular music in different educational
systems of each country? To what extent can we talk about 'European popular music',
or shall we talk about 'Popular music in Europe'? Many more questions such as these are
Music education in Europe is a diverse musical beehive (or beehives) which embrace
a vast, colourful, fluid and vibrant spectrum of musical styles, cultures, and practices
departing from folk, religious, cross-over, and composed music, to popular music in
all its manifestations. It produces, reproduces, negotiates, articulates, and transforms
values, ideas, customs, functions and uses, and major critical issues at each moment.
In Taranto Italy, one of the largest open-air music festivals takes place yearly that
blends tradition, history, folk melodies and rhythms with syncretic and hybrid music
performances. Street Parade, the World's Largest Techno Party, takes place every
August in Zurich, Switzerland, and big electronic music festivals happen in the
Netherlands, Belgium, and Romania, to mention a few. The UK hosts one of the
largest popular music festivals in the world at Glastonbury. During the last several
years, the music and practices of immigrants and refugees who have inhabited the
continent in large numbers have added to the picture. How does all of this reflect in

different music education contexts?
The topic is complex and vast, and this issue aims to provide a forum that can bring a
range of perspectives from different European contexts together into one publication.
We invite contributions on, but not limited to, the following themes:
•Current situation of popular music education in different European countries
•Comparative perspectives across European countries and/or regions
•Cultural heritage, identities, belongingness, and popular music education in Europe
•Historical dimensions of popular music education in Europe
•Popular music education and European citizenship
•Critical issues of music education and popular music education (social justice, human
rights, democracy, solidarity)
•Popular music education's critical purposes for the creative future of European music
•Music ecosystems and community in Europe
•Immigrants and refugees to Europe and the role of popular music education in their
•Influence of European or global music industry and media on music education
•Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary practices in European popular music education
•Creativities and technologies in European music education
•Popular music in European Higher Education, schools and other learning-and-teaching
•The future of popular music education across European countries
Authors should submit manuscripts of between 4,000 and 6,000 words, although
longer articles up to 8,000 will be considered (double-spaced, Times New Roman,
font size 12, including references). Please refer to the Intellect style guide when
preparing a submission.
Full papers should be uploaded via the journal's website at www.intellectbooks.
com/journal-of-popular-music-education or using the submissions portal via the
JPME website by 1 January 2025. Article which are accepted will be published in the 'Online
First' section of the journal, with a view to collating all articles relevant to the special issue for
publication in hard copy in 2025.
Enquiries are welcome, and should be emailed to the issue's guest editor Dr Avra
Pieridou Skoutella, at

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Fwd: Greek-English speakers wanted for a short survey

Are you fluent in both Greek and English? 
Then, you could help us with a study investigating people's feelings in everyday situations. The study is part of a larger music psychology project.

We are looking for adults and children/teenagers (8-18 years old) speaking Greek and English to complete a questionnaire investigating people's feelings in everyday situations. The questionnaire has an English and a Greek version, and we want you to complete both to examine the similarities and differences between the two versions.

If you are happy to participate, you will need to:

  • Complete one version of the questionnaire (link below - it will take 7-10 mins)
  • Wait for one week
  • Complete the second version (we will send you a link via email).

Everyone participating can win one of four £10 shopping vouchers!

If you are the parent/carer of a child or teenager (8-18 years old), they can also participate. A copy of the questionnaire is after yours at the end of the form.

Happy to participate? Please follow the right link below:

> If you were born between January and June, please start with this questionnaire:

> If you were born between July and December, please start with this questionnaire:

For more information about the study, please contact Persefoni Tzanaki (

Dr Persefoni Tzanaki (she/her)
Department of Music 
Faculty of Arts & Humanities | University of Sheffield

University email address:

Friday, August 30, 2024

Fwd: Fully funded 3-year PhD opening in music cognition, Univ. of Vienna


Fully funded PhD opening in music cognition, University of Vienna

This PhD position is funded for 3 years by an Austrian Science Fund grant for a highly interdisciplinary research project concerned with the neurocognition of music and language, with a focus on syntax, prediction, and cultural evolution. Supervisors are Tudor Popescu (Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology) and Tecumseh Fitch (Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Biology). There are no teaching obligations.

Successful candidates will have a quantitative background (e.g. experimental psychology, neuroscience, biology, engineering, etc.), with solid knowledge of programming, and interest in the neural bases of music perception. Also required are analysis skills in at least one of the project's planned methodologies (MRI, brain stimulation, pupillometry). Knowledge in any of music cognition's theoretical and computational frameworks is strongly desirable. Knowledge of German is not essential.

Informal enquiries prior to application can be directed to the project's PI, at Application deadline is 25th September 2024 and the position is expected to start in November 2024 or soon after. All details can be found at